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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Betlyon, John Wilson, "Coins, Commerce and Politics: Coins from the Limes Arabicus Project, 1976-1985." In The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan: Interim Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1985. Edited by Parker, S. Thomas. 655-689. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 1987.
Series: BAR, International Series, 340 (ii)
Subjects: Excavations/Numismatics/Places--Jordan
2. Betlyon, John Wilson, "The Coins." In The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan: Final Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1989. Edited by Parker, S. Thomas. 413-444, pls. 19.1-19.32, tables 19.1-19.3. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2006.
Series: Dumbarton Oaks Studies, 40
Subjects: Excavations/Numismatics/Places--Jordan



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